Friday, 10 February 2017


Seems as though a lot of so called art these days has to have a paragraph to explain why it's any good..I've never been a fan of the sort of stuff that needs explaining..If you look at it and like it, that should be enough without having to read a paragraph to decide..So this paragraph is an attempt to explain why I'd rather paint and create stuff without having to explain what I was thinking or why I felt the need to do it. Speak less but say more... I could have waffled on about a bit more about it's context and meaning, the many techniques used to paint this, the years of character development it's taken to freestyle this on canvas, but there's other writing I need to include below so I'll just skip to that..

  Measuring 16x40 inches, this piece was painted across two 16x20 canvasses which can be displayed with or without a small gap in between..Created with spray paint and acrylics, this piece took several late nights to contemplate and complete, and was finally finished, photographed and made available from the store today.. 
Featuring that guy "the Maskedman" silencing a loud mouthed Maaadcan that's plugged into his skull king mask, and my little cat apprentice "Dog" who goes out every night to mark our territory.

As I mentioned above, this piece is now in the store HERE.. Say no more!! Thanks for reading.

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